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Our Mission is to provide advocacy, support and education for people with mental illness and their families. We are persons in recovery and their families and friends. We believe that both biology and trauma are factors in the development of mental illness.

We are a grassroots, all-volunteer, non-profit organization and a local chapter of NAMI Massachusetts.   All of our programs are free and open to the public.
 NAMI MetroWest Board of Directors

     Walter Linehan             President

     Lawrence DeAngelo    Vice President 

     Larry Pratt                    Treasurer

     Mary Cockroft               Secretary

            Other Board Members:

     ​Tina DeAngelo

     Rosemarie DiGianvittorio

     Liz Gualachenski

     Margie Linehan    


Our Family Caregiver Support Group is for family members caring for someone with mental illness. This is a peer-led group that provides participants with the opportunity to share information on resources and coping strategies. Facilitators are trained by NAMI. 
Our NAMI Connection Group is a peer-led support group for persons recovering from mental illness. This is a peer-led group that provides participants with the opportunity to share information on resources and coping strategies. Facilitators are trained by NAMI.  Presently we do not have a NAMI Connection Group but will announce a new group shortly.

​Support Groups are held from 7-9PM at Employment Options, 82 Brigham Street, Marlborough, Massachusetts on the first and third Tuesday of each month. In July and August support groups are held on the first Tuesday of the month only. Please check this web site Events page for changes in dates or call 508 485 8700.

NAMI MetroWest's Education Programs include :  NAMI Family-to- Family a 12 - week education class for Family Caregivers of adults with mental illness, NAMI Basics a 6 - week education class for Family Caregivers of children and adolescents with mental illness.  From September through May NAMI MetroWest conducts monthly Education Seminars.

Please check this web site Events page for an exact schedule. 

Please call us or email us for specific area resource referrals. Call 508 251 9595 or  e-mail us at namimetrowest@namimetrowest.org.

NAMI MetroWest Programs