You may Donate to NAMI MetroWest and/or Renew Your Membership Here
NAMI MetroWest is an all volunteer organization. Your donations are use to support three areas:
1. Support for MetroWest programs for persons in recovery.
2. NAMI Education and Support Programs.
3. Mental Illness Reseach.
The following organizations have benefited from MetroWest donations :
NARSAD: The Brain and Behavior Research Fund. www.narsad.org
Employment Options: Employment, Family and Support Services. www.employmentoptions.org
Worcester State Hospital: Funded by the Massachusetts Department of Mental Health.
Advocates, Inc: One of the largest social services organizations in the state.. www.advocatesinc.org
Programs for People: Helping people in recovery from mental illness. www. programsforpeople.org
Spectrum Health Systems, Inc: Improving the lives of persons dealing with addiction and mental illness. www.spectrumhealthsystems.org
Donate or Renew Membership Now by Credit
Card or through your PayPal account.
The Following Is A 2 Step Process:
1. Fill Out the form
2. Donate and/or Renew using
PayPal or Credit Card
Click The Button Below